BEKASI- The explosion that rocked the Bantar Gebang area on Saturday night, March 30, still left tensions in the area. The intense explosion, which came from the Munisi Warehouse Region A 00-21-01, known as the Kodam Jaya Equipment Complex, sparked panic in the community.
A number of residents reported that there were grenades scattered around the site of the explosion. In fact, one resident of the Nebraska Cluster TD8 no.7, at the Tourism City Housing Complex, claimed to have seen the grenade that was still active. On security grounds, the Nebraska area of the City of Tourism was sterilized by local authorities. This caused a number of residents to not be able to enter their homes.
This incident was shocking because it occurred in a densely populated area, even close to the Buana Superior/Universal Agribusinessindo animal feed plant, which is about 1 km from the scene. The Munisi Area Warehouse A 00-21-01 is located on Jl. Raya Narogong KM.14 PKL V, Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, West Java.
According to Kapendam Jaya Colonel Inf Deki Rayusyah Putra, the explosion came from bullet warehouse number 6, and further information will be conveyed by the Pangdam.
Residents also reported that the first explosion occurred in warehouse 1, followed by warehouse 4, and finally occurred in warehouse 6. In fact, until when this news was published, there was still an explosion around the crime scene, as reported by Donny Winardi, a VOI journalist who was at the scene.
At 20.15 WIB, Pangdam Jaya - Major General (Mayjen) TNI Mohamad Hasan arrived at the location, but immediately entered the scene and refused to meet with the media crew.
The situation around the location is still under treatment, with efforts to stabilize the situation and identify the cause of the explosion. Local authorities continue to monitor the latest developments to ensure public safety. Further developments will soon be informed to the public.
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