JAKARTA - The Garut District Prosecutor's Office is again examining the chairman and members of the Garut Regency DPRD, West Java, regarding cases of misappropriation of recess funds and operational costs (BOP).

Deni Marincka, Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Garut Prosecutor's Office, confirmed that his party is currently gathering witness testimony in the case of misappropriation of funds for activities at the institution.

"The case is currently being handled by the recess and the BOP," said Deni in Garut as reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 3

He said the Garut Prosecutor's Office was in the process of deepening the case of misappropriation of funds by asking for information from several members of the Garut DPRD, including the Chairman of the Garut DPRD Euis Ida and also members of the Garut DPRD for the 2014-2019 period.

Especially for the summons to the Chairman of the Garut DPRD Euis Ida has been carried out since Tuesday, March 2, but the plan to examine the witness failed because the person who had come to the Garut District Prosecutor's Office returned again on the grounds that there was a meeting.

"Yesterday, the examination of Euis Ida was canceled because he only came briefly and then said goodbye to the receptionist to come back again on the grounds that there was a meeting," he said.

He conveyed that the Garut Prosecutor's Office would then send a summons to the Chairman of the Garut DPRD so that they could quickly get information and other facts related to the case.

If the Chairman of the Garut DPRD does not fulfill the summons, he said, based on the rules his party can forcibly pick up in carrying out the legal process in the case of misappropriation of funds in the Garut DPRD environment.

"We will coordinate with our leadership to carry out a forced pick-up if the attitude remains like this," he stressed.

Deny added that the Garut Prosecutor's Office has now examined members of the Garut DPRD for the 2014-2019 period Endang Kahfi.

He asked the public to be patient in handling cases of alleged misappropriation of BOP funds, recess, and the main ideas of members of the Garut DPRD.

"This case is being handled, it will continue to be handled until there is real clarity. We ask the public to be patient because we are still handling this case," he said.

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