The Prosecutor's Office has stopped the alleged corruption case in the management of health operational assistance funds for mouth and nail vaccines (PMK) in livestock in Sumbawa.

Head of the Intelligence Section of the Sumbawa Attorney General's Office, Zanuar Ikhram, said that the case was terminated because the crime in question was not proven.

"The results of the title stated that there were no indications of unlawful acts that led to evidence of the beginning of the crime," said Zanuar by telephone from Mataram, Tuesday, March 26, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said this was based on a series of data collection and information on a number of parties who knew and were involved in the Sumbawa Regency Animal Health Animal Husbandry Service (DPKH) program.

"So, we have stopped the investigation into this case from the results of a series of requests for information from the parties and activity documents," he said.

However, Zanuar said that his party could re-open the case if there were public reports that led to new evidence.

"If there is new evidence, we can reopen the case," he said.

The conclusion that the termination of this case has gone through a series of requests for information from the parties. Zanuar said there were at least 30 people who were questioned during the investigation stage.

"Mereka ada yang dari staf DPKH Sumbawa, para Kepala UPT prokeswan, dokter veterinasi dan juga petugas vaksinasi," kata Zanuar.

Previously, the Sumbawa Kejari handled this case based on public reports. The report relates to allegations of not being on target in the distribution of vaccines and allegations of budget cuts so that fictitious data on vaccine recipients appears.

This alleged crime leads to the vaccine program in 2022 and 2023. The Sumbawa PKH Service received budget distribution from the central government for the implementation of the PMK vaccine in livestock.

The Sumbawa PKH Office in the two-year period was recorded to have carried out five PMK vaccination activities in cattle and buffalo with a total of 312,729 heads. In the regulation, the cost of one vaccine per dose is IDR 25,000.

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