JAKARTA - Police observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto assessed that the arrogance of Polri personnel cannot be tolerated, there needs to be strict sanctions.

Bambang responded to Aiptu FN, a member of the Sabhara Polsek Lubuk Linggau Polda South Sumatra (Sumsel) shooting and stabbing debt collectors for in arrears of two-year car credit installments on Saturday, March 23. "The arrogance of such personnel cannot be tolerated. There must be disciplinary and ethical sanctions on these personnel," said Bambang confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 26, which was confiscated by Antara. According to Bambang, Aiptu FN's actions as a form of arrogance by members of the police, which is not justified and must be processed legally and institutionally by the Police.

"In addition to internal sanctions related to disciplinary and ethical violations, according to the principles of everyone is equal before the law, there must be criminal sanctions on personnel who have endangered the community," he said. Bambang regretted that the arrogance was carried out using state facilities. The actions taken by Aiptu FN did not reflect the duties and functions of Polri personnel.

"It is true (debt collectors are also wrong), the task of the police as law enforcers is to carry out investigations and investigations, not to judge or take justice into their own hands," he said. Bambang said, the arrogance of Polri personnel did not only occur in Lubuk Linggau, but in several areas in Indonesia, such as the North Sumatra Police arrested the Chairman of the Supreme Court Ompu Umbak Siallagan Community (65), on suspicion of land control of PT Toba Pulp Lestari or TPL on March 23. The arrest of Umbak Siallagan was carried out with forced efforts because there was an attempt to obstruct the family. Bambang said that this behavior could not be justified either. The arrest of a person must be with the correct SOP, such as giving an official arrest letter to witnesses. the Chair of the RT, or family and respecting human rights inherent in everyone." Without an official letter from the police given to the family or witnesses of the head of the environment, there is no difference with kidnapping," said Bambang.

Bambang menambahkan, pembiaran aksi penangkapan tanpa SOP seperti itu akan membenarkan aksi-aksi penculikan seperti di akhir orde baru.Terkait kasus oknum polisi menembak debt collector, Bidang Profesi dan Pengamanan Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Selatan memastikan proses hukum terhadap Aiptu FN yang melakukan penusukan dan penembakan terhadap seorang debt collector saat akan melakukan penarikan paksa mobil miliknya.Mobil Aiptu FN ditarik secara paksa oleh sekelompok debt collector karena menunggak pembayaran. Namun, upaya tersebut dihalangi oleh Aiptu FN, yang pada saat kejadian membawa senjata api jenis air softgun dan senjata penikam.Aiptu FN dikabari menyerahkan diri ke Propam Polda Sumsel dan saat ini berstatus terperiksa. Baik pihak Aiptu FN dan debt collector sama-sama membuat laporan polisi terkait kejadian tersebut.

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