Acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana revealed, to accelerate the process of receding flood inundation in Demak Regency, especially in Karanganyar District, 22 units of water suction pump engines were deployed. "The capacity is certainly quite large because it reaches 11,000 liters per second to suck up floodwater," he said while accompanying the Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo Adi at the event of handing over food aid to flood victims at the evacuation site of SD Negeri 3 Ngaluran, Karanganyar District, Demak, Antara, Sunday, March 24. In addition to reducing flood water that inundated residential areas, he said, water that inundated road access on the Demak-Kudus Pantura Line also began to recede, so vehicles could pass. Even if it has not been opened at this time, of course in the near future, vehicles from the direction of Kudus or Demak can be passed. Nana Sudjana explained, the most important thing is that residents affected by the flood who evacuate can return home soon, so they can celebrate Eid at home. "Refuges have also begun to decrease from the previous 24,000 people, now decreasing to 12,000 refugees," he said. He admitted that he was concerned about the natural disasters experienced by Demak residents, especially residents of Karanganyar District. "We also plan on Wednesday, March 27 or Thursday, March 28, a coordination meeting with the Ministry of PUPR, BNPB, TNI/Polri to discuss strengthening embankments," he said. He emphasized that he did not want the river embankment to collapse next year, which could cause flooding in residential areas as it is today. "BNPB and PUPR agreed. Hopefully, the flood in Demak Regency will be the last," said Nana. BPBD Demak Regency noted that as of March 24, 2024 at 15.00 WIB, out of 92 refugee camps, it is estimated that there are dozens of empty refugee camps because the refugees have started to return home. Dozens of vacant refugee camps from the refugees, namely in Mijen, Karangtengah, Sayung, Karanganyar, Wonosalam, and Gajah sub-districts. The commander of the Demak Flood Emergency Management Integrated Command Post, Lt. Col. Marijuana Maryoto, added that some of the flood suction pump units were on Gajah's Sipon to dispose of flood water flowing into irrigation canals. "Residents also demand that water be extracted as soon as possible, especially inundation in Wonokedal and Wonorejo villages," he said.
In order to speed up the receding flood inundation, his party also carried out blocking and mapping pumps to immediately recede. After the inundation point in certain locations recedes, it is possible that another inundation will still exist.

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