JAKARTA - The National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD stated that the dispute over the 2024 General Election Results (PHPU) to the Constitutional Court (MK) was not only a matter of Ganjar and Mahfud.

According to TPN Deputy for Legal Affairs Ganjar-Mahfud Todung Mulya Lubis, the 2024 presidential election PHPU lawsuit is the biggest battle in saving democracy and the country.

"The problem is not solely about Ganjar and Mahfud. This is not a matter of winning or losing," Todung said in a press conference after registering the PHPU lawsuit at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Saturday.

Todung said his party was willing to lose if the contestation was carried out fairly, in accordance with the general election principle (election), namely free, secret, honest, and fair.

However, he continued, his party was not willing to lose if the contestation was carried out unfairly.

According to him, there has been quite a lot of support for Ganjar-Mahfud so far, so he doesn't believe that support for the two is at the current level.

Thus, Todung assessed that there was an error against the votes received by the candidate pair (paslon).

"I hear this from the pulse of enthusiasm from the community that we visit all the time in the area," he said.

Representing TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Todung registered the PHPU lawsuit for the 2024 presidential election TPN Ganjar-Mahfud today at the Constitutional Court Building, Saturday afternoon. The TPN Ganjar-Mahfud lawsuit is registered with case number 02-03/AP3-PRES/Pan.MK/03/2024.

In this case, the applicant was registered under the names Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD, while the respondent was the Indonesian KPU. The inaugural trial of the 2024 General Election PHPU (Pemilu) lawsuit will be held by the Constitutional Court on March 27, 2024.

Todung was accompanied by PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, TPN Chairman Ganjar-Mahfud Arsjad Rasjid, PDI-P DPP Chairperson for Ideology and Cadreization Djarot Syaiful Hidayat, TPN Deputy for Territorial Kinetics Ganjar-Mahfud Adian Napitupulu, and PDI-P politician Masinton Pasaribu.

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