JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the MPR from the PKB faction, Jazilul Fawaid, took his hat off with President Joko Widodo's move to revoke the attachment on alcoholic beverages in the Presidential Decree (Perpres) Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Investment Business Sector.

He was grateful that Jokowi would listen to and grant input from scholars and the ummah. He hopes that policies that can threaten intelligence in national life will never be born again.

"Alhamdulillah. Kudos to the President! This decision was made based on a high awareness of the fate of Indonesia's generations and future, "said Jazilul in his statement, Tuesday, March 2.

Learning from the case of the revocation of the Presidential Decree, the MPR hopes that the Government will be more careful in issuing regulations. As well as paying attention to the aspirations of the community in issuing policies, especially those that have a negative impact on Indonesia's future.

"The government must be observant because it is not impossible in policies, there are 'deposits' from certain parties," he suggested.

Jazilul asked the presidential aides to pay more attention to matters related to the massive regulations, because with the President's busy schedule, maybe not all draft regulations could be monitored properly.

"It is the task of people around the president to 'glare' at him in detail. Do not let the president get caught up in it," said the deputy chairman of the PKB DPP.

The man who is familiarly called Gus Jazil also appreciates the public's attention for the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 10 of 2021, especially attachment III. This, he said, shows that in an era of openness like now, public participation is very important in guarding every policy taken by the Government.

"The public must indeed remain critical of the policies taken by the government, including by the DPR," he said.

President Jokowi finally revoked Annex III of Presidential Decree No. 10 of 2021 which regulates the opening of new investments in the alcoholic alcohol industry.

"I hereby convey, I have decided on the attachment to the Presidential Decree regarding the opening of new investment in the alcoholic liquor industry, I declare it to be revoked," Jokowi said in a virtual press release, Tuesday, March 2.

Jokowi admitted that the rule was canceled after receiving input from Islamic scholars and mass organizations. "After receiving input from MUI ulama, Nahdlatul Ulama NU, Muhammadiyah, and other mass organizations, as well as other religious figures, as well as inputs from provinces and regions," Jokowi explained.

Previously, Jokowi had signed the Presidential Decree No. 10/2021 on the Investment Business Sector. The Presidential Regulation was enacted on February 2 by Jokowi and promulgated on the same date by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly.

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