JAKARTA - The central government is cleaning the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta before Friday prayers take place. This cleaning was carried out in order to sterilize the mosque area from the potential for transmission of the corona virus or COVID-19.

The cleaning of the Istiqlal mosque was directly monitored by President Joko Widodo. Jokowi was accompanied by Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto, and Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi.

Jokowi noticed that the main hall of the mosque was being cleaned. Disinfectant sprayers were seen using hazardous materials (hazmat) or decontamination clothing.

The number of disinfectant sprayers is 35 people. They consist of 15 members of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), 6 people of Kesdam Jaya, 6 people from Gegana, 6 people from the Central Jakarta Military Command, and 2 people from KAI Daop 1.

Jokowi did not last long at the Istiqlal Mosque. He rushed to visit Soekarno-Hatta Airport to review the next sterilization process.

After the cleaning was completed, the Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi appealed to all mosques to carry out the same cleaning activities. In addition, Fachrul asked all mosques to roll up the carpets used for prayers.

Because, the word carpet is a means of worship that has great potential to become a medium for transmission of the corona virus.

"The appeal is for all mosques to roll up all the carpets because it turns out that it is one of the sources of the disease. Second, spraying antiseptics," said Fachrul at the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 13.

In addition, Fachrul also asked fellow citizens who worshiped the Friday prayers not to shake hands, let alone splash around for a while.

Given, the corona virus is a disease that is transmitted by infected sufferers through droplets, or fluids from the body that reach other media, before entering the eyes, nose and mouth of other people.

"We also underline, the problem of taking ablution water. Make sure the water really flows well. Hopefully with that it will be better for fewer disease transmissions," he said.

This appeal did not only come from the central government. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan also appealed to the public to be aware of gathering activities, such as this Friday afternoon prayer. The principle of vigilance, said Anies, is quite simple. Don't panic, but don't take it lightly, don't underestimate it.

Anies' appeal was generally the same as the central government. First, Anies asked people to bring their own prayer mats or bring a handkerchief for prostration. Second, wash your hands with soap before and after Friday prayer activities.

"Third, for the time being, avoid handshakes. Avoid kissing the cheeks. Use other methods to greet each other without touching," he said.

Fourth, he said, if you have a cold, are coughing, then use a mask. And if you suddenly cough or sneeze, then cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or with the folds of your elbows.

Meanwhile, to the mosque management, Anies advised to always tuck a message of caution about this epidemic to all the congregation during the sermon.

"Remind yourself to be diligent in washing your hands with soap and avoiding physical touch for a while. Let's increase prayer and tawakal to Allah. May our city be spared from the trials of this epidemic," concluded Anies.

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