Grandpa Pencabul 7 Children In Cakung Lure Victims With Doll Pin Coins
Residents raided the house of the alleged perpetrator of sexual harassment in Cakung/ Photo; IST

JAKARTA - IK, an elderly grandfather, launched his depraved act against 7 underage children using the coin mode of the doll's game. Residents said the alleged perpetrator had a doll flip-flops game.

"According to the victim's statement, he was given a coin. He has a toy of clamped coins (boneka)," said Eliani, Head of RT 12/04, Ujung Menteng Village to reporters, Monday, March 4.

Every action, the alleged perpetrator IK commits his actions in his house.

"(The incident of harassment) at the perpetrator's house," he said.

Currently, the perpetrator is undergoing examination by the Women's Protection Unit for Women and Children of the East Jakarta Metro Police.

Residents raided the house of the alleged perpetrator of abuse of minors in the Mushola alley, Ujung Menteng Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

Residents admitted that they were furious at the actions of IK's grandfather who had not been detained by the police even though there had been many reports of cases of sexual violence against children.

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