TANJUNG SELOR - The Regional Revenue Agency or Bapenda of North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara) will limit the use of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) for vehicles with license plates outside Kaltara.

Head of the North Kalimantan Bapenda, Tomy Labo, said the plan would involve Pertamina Patra Niaga, the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) and the police.

"This SPBU is under the supervision of Pertamina, then the Satpol PP as a regional regulation enforcer is also involved. Its application is in all regencies and cities that have i Kaltara," said Tomy Labo, Monday, February 19.

Tomy explained that this subsidized fuel can later be used maximally by vehicles that have been recorded in the Bapenda Kaltara database. Moreover, so far vehicles outside Kaltara have also used the quota for fuel quota for Kaltara plates.

"The fuel subsidy is given on the basis of data on motorized vehicles with KU plates, the plan is to be regulated through the Governor Regulation (Governor Regulation) regarding subsidized fuel restrictions," he said.


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He emphasized that vehicles that do not have a KU plate were directed to use industrial fuel. This is part of an effort so that foreign vehicles can migrate to the KU plate.

"We will also cooperate with the Ditlantas Polda Kaltara, currently there are around 250 thousand units of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles recorded. Half of the data is an outer plate vehicle, there are exceptions for vehicles that load basic necessities," he concluded.

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