Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto does not want to talk much about the status of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in his party. He only mentioned the responsibility of a cadre.

It is known that President Jokowi is a party cadre bearing the bull symbol. He ran as Mayor of Solo for two terms, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, and the President because he was promoted by PDIP.

However, lately he has a different attitude regarding the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election. In fact, his son who serves as Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, accompanied Prabowo Subianto as vice presidential candidate and excelled in various quick count results for the 2024 presidential election.

"Yes, as cadres, this has a responsibility in maintaining the purity of the people's votes," Hasto told reporters at the High End building, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 19.

Hasto said that being a cadre is not just holding a party membership card (KTA). The most important thing that should be seen is how someone behaves.

"These cadres are behavior. One of them (to be seen, red) is ideological aspects and then the platform that is fought for and also its political attitudes," he said.

"So for the PDI-P as directed by the general chairmen who support Pak Ganjar and Prof. Mahfud that a special team and democracy that faces this threat must be taken seriously," continued Hasto.

One way to deal with threats in the 2024 election, said Hasto, is to form a team. "It shows our seriousness in guarding the democratic process," he concluded.

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