YOGYAKARTA How to control the vote count for the 2024 General Election can actually be done online. The public can oversee the calculation of votes through a number of platforms, starting from the Election Guard to the Election Guard.

Previously, the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) held a simultaneous 2024 General Election voting on Wednesday, February 14.

Now the election stage has entered its recapitulation period after the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) conducted a vote count at the polling station on February 14-15.

The vote count recapitulation stage starts on February 15 and will end on March 20. At this stage, the public can participate in overseeing online vote calculations through several available platforms.

Efforts to guard election votes are very important so that the public can monitor the potential for fraud that occurs.

If the public finds allegations of fraud during the 2024 election process, it can show evidence with photos or recordings and then report it.

So, how to control the vote count for the 2024 General Election? Let's see the full information below.

The above has been mentioned that the way to control the vote count for the 2024 General Election can be done online through a number of platforms.

Adapun platform yang memungkinkan masyarakat untuk memantau hasil perolehan suara masing-masing pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden yakni Kawal Pemilu, Warga Jaga Suara hingga Jaga Pemilu.

The following is how to control the 2024 election vote count online through various platforms available.

Escorting the election is a platform that allows people to upload portraits of the results of the presidential election or the C-Hasil-PPWP form at their respective polling stations.

This means that the public can monitor and oversee the votes acquired by each pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates after calculating ballots at the polling station.

Officers who have a C-PPWP form can upload the results of the vote count of the president and vice president with the following steps:

Meanwhile, people who want to check the form C results of the 2024 General Election via the Election Guard website can follow the following steps:

Another platform that can be used to oversee the election results is Warga Jaga Suara. This platform is present in the application format on Android phones.

Through the Warga Jaga Suara application, the public can report the results of the votes at the polling station and report election violations.

This platform has various features, ranging from voice reports, reporting violations, to I voiced and uploaded Photo C1 Plano PPWP.

How to control the vote count for the 2024 General Election can also be done through the Election Guard website.

Through this site, the public can upload a C-PPWp form for vote counting after previously registering to become a volunteer on the Jagasipemilu.com website.

Not only that, this site also provides a report channel for alleged election violations. Each person can make reports, ranging from violations of campaign content, campaign methods, to alleged provocations.

This is information about how to control the vote count for the 2024 General Election. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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