TANGERANG - An officer of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) in Tangerang Regency, Banten was reported to have died, and allegedly due to exhaustion while carrying out his duties in the February 14, 2024 Election. Information obtained was reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 15, that the KPPS officer named Satriawan with an age of about (44), a resident of Pasar Kemis. Head of Pasar Kemis Health Center Dr. Salwah, confirmed the news of the death of a KPPS officer. "Yes, that's right. There was a KPPS officer reported to have died, from the information we received died at 19.30 WIB," he explained. He explained that the late Satriawan served as KPPS at the Vote Collection Site (TPS) 86, Sindang Sari Village. He is known to have a history of hypertension disease or high blood pressure. "From the information of the family, indeed he had high blood pressure, because the results of the blood pressure pressure examination were up to 140," he said.

Regarding the exact cause of the death of the KPPS officer, the Tangerang Regency Government's health team will conduct further research. "For more details, we will convey it later, because now medical officers are still in the field for checking," he said.

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