A Sumatran tiger died again due to infausta prognosis on behalf of 13-year-old Bintang Sorik at the Medan Zoo or Medan Zoo, Medan.

"There have been five dead tigers at the Medan Zoo with infausta prognosis," said Wildlife Whisperer of Sumatra Campaigner Arisa Mukharliza as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 13.

Fausta prognosis means disease can be cured. Previously, he said, as many as four dead tigers at the Medan Zoo, two Sumatran tigers named Erha on November 3, 2023, and Nurhaliza on December 31, 2023, respectively.

Then two benggal tigers in the name of Avatar on December 3, 2023, and Wesa who was around 19 years old on January 22, 2024.

"All living things will return to the creator. But the case of tigers at Medan Zoo is not about living and dying animals, but the responsibility and role of zoo managers," he said.

Especially the Regional Public Company (PUD) Pembangunan as the BUMD belonging to the Medan City Government as the manager of Medan Zoo, and the owner of state-owned wildlife.

In this case, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) through the North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA).

"The responsibility of the two agencies must be found out to what extent they are really serious about caring for animals in the midst of financial problems since the pandemic in 2020," said Arisa.

The campaigner also said that Medan Zoo was established because of the need for animal protection, not waiting for investors to develop the wildlife park from business orientation development.


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Medan Zoo in January 2024 has a collection of 110 animals from the previous 110 in 2022 with a total of 255 animals on 10 hectares of a total of 30 hectares.

"If you still don't understand the issue of the Medan Zoo, invite wild animal conservation practitioners to discuss while waiting for uncertain potential investors," said Arisa.

Acting President Director of the Development PUD Bambang Hendarto who was contacted via cell phone did not answer, while the Head of BBKSDA North Sumatra, Rudianto Saragih Napitupulu, had his cell phone turned off.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said the renovation of various facilities would be carried out by closing the Medan Zoo starting February 2024.

"We will close it for renovation. Where did the animal renovation go? Where did the animal be placed? Who took care of it? Now we will explain this. I said that. The plan is this year. Hopefully the second month," he said.

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