YOGYAKARTA A video showing the results of vote calculations abroad using the exit poll method has gone viral on a number of social media platforms. So, what is the exit poll? Let's see the following explanation.

Previously on social media X was busy with a video showing the results of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) vote abroad using the exit poll method.

The results of the exit poll stated that the vice presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, excels in Australia, Hong Kong, Europe. Meanwhile, presidential and vice presidential candidates number 1 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, won in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

In addition, there is also a video on TikTok showing the results of the exit poll from polling stations in Taiwan. Pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, winning with 88.6 percent of the vote, followed by Anies-Muhaimin who won 5.46 percent and Ganjar-Mahud got 3.64 percent.

Based on reports from Antara, the results of the exit poll abroad circulating on a number of social media platforms are categorized as misinformation content.

Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari also emphasized that vote calculations abroad may only be carried out after elections in Indonesia take place, along with domestic calculations.

"The calculation of votes abroad is carried out using the methods of TPS, Pos, KSK, and the Voting Committee (PPS), and the results are calculated simultaneously with domestic elections," said Hasyim, Monday, February 12.

Hasyim Asyari emphasized that the publication of the vote acquisition results before the official vote count began had to be ignored.

Exit polls are one type of survey in elections conducted on voters. This method can be done after voters use their voting rights at polling stations and will stop collecting data if the vote count at polling stations is carried out.

In the KPU publication entitled Report of Quick Count Results for the 2014 Presidential Election LPP RRI, the object observed in the exit poll is voter.

Voters registered in the DPT, DPTb, and DPK will be used as survey samples. Researchers will choose voters who have just left the ballot booth randomly, consisting of one man and one woman.

The results of the exit poll can at least provide an overview of the three survey functions at once, including:

The use of the exit poll method is considered to represent the final results of voters' thoughts after they leave the ballot booth.

The difference from the margin of the ERR is not that big when compared to the poll method.

The results of the exit poll will usually be published before the KPU releases the results of the official vote count.

Quoted from the KPU's official website, the results of the exit poll for the 2024 General Election can only be announced after the domestic voting process is complete.

Based on the General Election Law (UU Pemilu). The forecast for the results of the quick count can only be published no later than two hours after voting in the western part of Indonesia. This is intended so that the results of the election calculations abroad do not affect voters who have not used their voting rights.

That's the information about what the exit poll is. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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