YOGYAKARTA - The general election (Pemilu) is entitled to be followed by every Indonesian citizen aged over 17 years, including patients in the hospital. Not a few permanent voters who are hospitalized, so they are unable to come to the TPS to do the voting. So what are the provisions for voting for patients in the hospital?
Patients at the hospital still have the right to take part in the 2024 General Election vote. Patients can vote at the hospital, including for the families of patients and health workers at clinics and health centers.
The General Election Commission (KPU) and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) guarantee that patients in hospitals can still channel their voting rights. For those of you who are in the hospital or have family members who are hospitalized, it is necessary to know the provisions for voting for hospital patients in this year's election.
Actually, the rules for elections in hospitals are the same as the provisions for voting for the general public directly at polling stations. However, it is given special privileges or services for patients at hospitals to take part in the vote.
For example, there are polling stations that visit patients in hospitals to provide voting activities. There are also polling stations that are still located in hospital complexes, so that people who are or work in hospitals do not need to walk far away.
The implementation of elections in hospitals is carried out in collaboration with the KPPS which is located in the health facility location sub-district. Meanwhile, the technical implementation of the voting adjusts to the local KPPS policy taking into account the condition of voters and their magic houses.
The KPU prepares mobile voting officers on duty at the Health Facilities. The technical requirements and conditions for implementing the General Election at the hospital are regulated by the KPU. Health Facilities officers collect data on officers, patients, and the families of patients who will take part in voting at the Health Facilities in accordance with applicable regulations.
In the implementation of the General Election at the hospital, KPPS officers have certainly coordinated with hospitals to regulate the arrival, opening of polling stations, and voting processes. The Health Facilities and KPU are responsible for maintaining the smoothness and confidentiality of voters during the voting process.
Here are some of the provisions for voting for patients in hospitals that you need to know:
Demikianlah informasi ketentuan mencoblos bagi pasien di RS. KPU bersama Kemenkes menjamin dilakukannya pemilihan posisi di Faskes bagi pasien, keluarga pasien, dan tenaga kesehatan untuk menyalurkan hak pilihnya sebagai warga negara. Baca juga larangan saat di perempatan suara dan sanksi berat bagi yang melanggar.
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