YOGYAKARTA - The 2024 election C6 Form is an important document needed to vote in this year's election which coincides on February 14. As an official notification letter, the C6 form provides information to voters about the place and time of voting, and provides access to carry out their voting rights democratically.

If the C6 form is missing, voters still have several options for getting the C6 form back. One method is to request a C6 form from the Head of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) no later than one day before voting, by showing an Electronic Identity Card or Certificate as proof of identity.

Not only that, Article 15 of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) No. 14 of 2016 also allows voters who have not received the C6 form until voting day to vote at the polling stations (TPS), as long as they are registered in the Permanent Voter List (DPT) and can show valid evidence.

If so, voters still have access to exercise their voting rights even though they experience obstacles with the C6 form. Here we will review how to obtain the C6 form for voting in the 2024 General Election, Wednesday (31/1/2024).

Form C6 Official Invitation Nyoblos In The 2024 Election

The Election C6 Form has a very meaningful position in the democratic process in Indonesia. As a notification letter to voters, this form provides vital information about the place and time of voting.

More than just a notification, Form C6 is part of the government's efforts to ensure the active participation of the country's people in the general election, so that each vote has the same value and strength in ensuring the future of the country.

Quoting from the official website of the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI), coming to the TPS must bring a C6 form. This is an official invitation for voters to vote at the polling station. Voters are required to bring this form as proof that they have the right to vote at the specified polling station.

This form was received by voters as official notification from the KPU and the voting time and place. The presence of the C6 form also helps polling stations officers in checking and ensuring that voters have the right to vote at the polling station.

The method of obtaining the 2024 Election C6 form, as described in the KPPS Guidebook published by the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI), requires certain steps.

The head of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) is responsible for submitting Notification Letters (Model C6) to voters registered with the DPT (Permanent Voter List), DPTb (Additional Voter List), or DPK (Special Voter List).

This C6 notification letter must be informed to voters no later than 3 (three) days before the voting date, as a form of official notification of their participation in the democratic process.

However, if there are voters who have not received the Model C6 within that time limit, the KPPS Guidebook gives the voter the right to obtain the C6 form from the Chairman of the KPPS. Voters are given the opportunity to obtain the C6 form no later than 24 hours before voting day, provided that they are required to show a valid identity such as a Identity Card (KTP), passport, or other identity documents.

The method of obtaining the C6 form guarantees that each voter has fair and equal access to their voting rights. Pula ensures that the democratic process takes place in a transparent and accountable manner.

Mandatory To Bring An ID Card Or E-KTP Recording Suket For Nyoblos

Not only bringing a C6 form, participants who want to vote in the 2024 General Election are required to bring an electronic Identity Card or e-KTP. Still citing from the same source, e-KTP is an official identity document confirming the identity of voters as Indonesian citizens.

The presence of e-KTP is needed as the main provisions at the Voting Point (TPS) to verify identity and ensure the feasibility of voters to vote.

When it arrives at the TPS, it is important for each voter to bring their e-KTP to reduce the potential for election fraud. Not only that, but the presence of e-KTP also confirmed that each voter only voted once, thus upholding the integrity and validity of the election process.

For voters who do not yet have an e-KTP and a C6 form, an e-KTP Recording Certificate (Suket) issued by the Department of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs is needed. This counter functions as a temporary replacement for e-KTP and a C6 form, allowing voters to continue voting at the TPS.

The existence of this certificate ensures that voters who do not have an ID card or C6 form can still participate in the election process and maintain their voting rights.

In addition, it is recommended that you read: Difference of valid and invalid ballots in 2024' so as not to be confused later.

So after knowing the 2024 Election C6 form, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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