KARANGASEM - As many as 37 residents in Banjar Dinas Magetelu, Abang District, Karangasem Regency, Bali, were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

Head of the Karangasem Regency Health Service, Bali, I Gusti Putra Pratama, said they were confirmed positive for COVID-19, because of the family cluster or transmission between families.

"The family cluster, so one of the residents there is symptomatic and hospitalized. Then, 13 (positive COVID-19) contact families were found in the tracing. Of the 13 we traced again to 37", said Pratama, when contacted on Thursday, February 25th.

The family cluster started when one of the residents had symptoms of COVID-19 on February 14. The patient was taken to the hospital and had a PCR swab test and was diagnosed with COVID-19.

The officers then carried out tracing until finally, 13 people tested positive for COVID-19.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 Task Force resumed tracings on Tuesday, February 23. It is known that there are residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 again so that a total of 37 residents have been exposed to COVID-19.

"It's been 37, traced again, and didn't develop again until there", he added.

Residents exposed to COVID-19 who have severe symptoms are hospitalized. Then, those with mild symptoms will be quarantined at the hotel. Meanwhile, residents without symptoms of independent isolation at home are monitored by the COVID-19 Task Force in the village.

"They are isolated independently at home. Only monitored by the village task force and also monitored by health workers and so on", said Pratama.

37 residents tested positive for COVID-19, the task force placed micro-scale restrictions on the village.

"Because there are more than 10 in Banjar that is positive (monitoring is carried out). If the (zone) is red. Yes, we automatically apply PPKM in the environment", continued Pratama.

Banjar at the Magetelu Service, Tista Village, Abang District, Karangasem Regency, Bali, has a population of 1128 people with 352 heads of families (KK).

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