SEMARANG - The Mayor of Tegal, Dedy Yon Supriyono, reported the Deputy Mayor of Tegal M Jumadi to the Central Java Police. Jumadi was reported on suspicion of defamation and providing false information.

Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Regional Police, Kombes Wihastono Yoga Pranoto, confirmed the complaint made by Yon Supriyono.

"Yes, the person concerned made a complaint yesterday," he was quoted as saying by Antara, Thursday, February 25.

Wihastono could not explain in more detail about the development of the report.

Previously, the Mayor, Yon Supriyono, through his attorney reported the Deputy Mayor M Jumadi to the Central Java Police.

The report relates to the police search of Yon Supriyono's hotel room during a work visit to Jakarta.

The police searched the room and conducted a urine test on Yon Supriyono on suspicion of narcotics abuse.

During its development, officers from Polda Metro Jaya who conducted the search did not find narcotics and urine tests showed negative results.

The report to the police also mentioned Jumadi's alleged role behind the search of Yon Supriyono.

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