JAKARTA Two fishermen who were reported missing in the waters of SAR Island and Tanjung Babi, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province since Friday, February 2 have been found by the SAR team. "The SAR team who arrived at the scene on Saturday (3 February) at 16.00 WITA immediately conducted a search, but it has not yet yielded results. At around 18.30 WITA, the SAR team received information from the families of the victims that the two fishermen had survived being found stranded in the waters of Marataing, about 25 nautical miles east of the incident location," said Head of the Maumere Basarnas Office Supriyanto Ridwan in a statement received on Sunday, February 4th. He explained that these two fishermen were brothers named Muhammad Bakar (32) and Aditia (13). Both residents of Adang Village, Northwest Alor District, Alor Regency.

After being found, the two victims and their boats were pulled by fishermen to Kokar Alor Beach. The condition of the two victims when found was quite weak and dehydrated because they were adrift in the sea. The two brothers went to sea on Friday (February 2) at around 04.30 WITA using a fiber boat. They came from Kokar Alor Beach to the waters between Sika Island and Tanjung Babi. However, those who were supposed to return at six pm did not return home. The family has tried to find them, but have not produced results and reported the incident to the Alor SAR Post.

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