SOLO - Candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, responded to the lawsuit filed by Almas Tsaqibirru over the default case. The lawsuit was registered at the Surakarta District Court, Monday, January 29.

Gibran admitted that he would follow up on the report. "We will follow up later," Gibran said, Thursday, February 1.

Almas' lawsuit is registered in case number 25/Pdt.G/2024/PN Skt and was registered on Monday last week. The lawsuit relates to a default that Gibran allegedly committed against Almas to cost Almas Rp 10 million.

He asked the panel of judges to order Gibran to pay Rp 10 million and a delay fine of Rp 1 million per day if it is not paid since 14 days of a decision with permanent legal force.

It is known, previously Almas also sued Gibran on suspicion of default on January 22, 2024. However, the lawsuit was dissalized.

When asked about the relationship between the agreement with Almas, Gibran was reluctant to comment much. "I don't know," said Gibran.

It is known that Almas is an applicant at the Constitutional Court (MK) of Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 concerning the requirements for the age limit of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. At that time, Almas was a student of the Faculty of Law, Surakarta University.

Meanwhile, Surakarta District Court 1 Public Relations Officer Bambang Ariyanto confirmed the lawsuit from Almas Tsaqibirru against Gibran Rakabuming Raka which was registered on January 29, 2024. His party said the first trial would be held on February 15, 2024.

"(Gibran's summons on) February 29 can be seen whether it has been received or not later during the first trial. The material for the lawsuit is default, the point is that Almas has submitted an application at the Constitutional Court, has been granted, and has facilitated the defendant on behalf of Gibran Rakabuming Raka to be able to nominate the vice president later but did not give a thank you," he explained.

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