KPAI Calls The Cause Of Brawls On The Rebo Market Flyover Due To Inter-school Terms
Illustration of brawls (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Diyah Puspitarini revealed an analysis of the cause of the brawl at the Pasar Rebo flyover, East Jakarta.

This brawl shocked the public because it caused the hand of one of the brawl participants to break up as a result of being hacked.

"(The brawl case) that occurred in Jakarta or Pasar Rebo was two possibilities, including having something to do with inter-school attachment," Diyah told reporters, Friday, February 2.

Diyah said, the frequency of brawls occurred most at the beginning of the year and mid-year during school holidays. In January-February, school students usually start joining their respective groups or gangs.

"In January-February, children are usually in school again. At the end of the year there are usually school gangs recruiting and in January-February they show that they are already in the group, then show dedication or loyalty to gang groups," explained Diyah.

Usually, the brawlers have mapped the location to carry out previous clashes. One of them is on the flyover or point of power.

On that basis, the school and law enforcement officials should be able to make efforts to prevent brawls.

"If the cycle is known, the supervision should not be careless. Once again, going home from school must ensure that the child arrives home at what time. Including communication with the school," said Diyah.

In addition, regional devices must also reactivate the patrol post or environmental security system (sikamling).

"It is important to relate public reports to the security surrounding. It can also monitor children who return home until evening or morning. Then, the patrols of law enforcement officers, especially in vulnerable hours," he added.

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