JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria confirmed that the river normalization program will run this year. Normalization is one of the DKI flood control programs.

DKI's task in this program is to acquire land for residents who live along the riverbanks. Meanwhile, construction work is carried out by the central government, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"Every year, the road program. Road normalization. In fact, we have budgeted no less than IDR 851 billion", said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 24.

However, Riza was reluctant to reveal which area the land would be acquired for. Riza said that the Water Resources Office still regulates the process of measuring land to negotiating land payments.

"The location is being regulated. Later there are priorities. I can't mention it in public, the landowner could be excited, said Riza.

Riza admitted that all DKI leaders must have a land acquisition program to carry out river normalization. Because this has a big role to play in increasing the volume of water storage so that it does not spill over into the settlement.

"(Normalization is carried out) every year. In fact, whoever will be the next leader or governor, be it the second, third, fourth, and subsequent periods, must carry out land acquisition", he said.

In carrying out the normalization program, Riza said that DKI often held coordination meetings with the central government. Apart from flooding, fixing the congestion problem is also being discussed.

"Due to flooding, traffic jams cannot be resolved by one province, including Jakarta. We have to work together, coordinate, integrate well", said Riza.

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