Garut Police said that the flow of vehicle traffic on the main Garut-Pameungpeuk route had returned to normal from both directions. This route was previously disrupted due to landslides with rocks in the Batu Tumpang area, Banjarwangi District, Garut Regency, West Java.
Banjarwangi Police Chief Iptu Amirudin Latif said the traffic flow conditions on the main route south of Garut had returned to normal from both directions.
"The rock has been broken, the landslide material has been removed, the traffic flow is running smoothly," he said in Garut, Antara, Wednesday, January 31.
He said heavy rains in the southern region of Garut were one of the causes of landslides in the Batu Tumpang area which caused disruption of vehicle traffic flow.
A number of police personnel and officers from other agencies including the community, he said, were trying to get rid of landslide materials with makeshift equipment so that motorized vehicles could pass through the route.
"From last night until the morning it was open and closed," he said.
He said the route was confirmed to return to normal when motorized vehicles crossed after large rock was broken to facilitate the process of removing the stone material.
"So, for large stones, the stone is immediately broken at the location by the stoneman manually," he said.
He revealed that the southern route of Garut is an area prone to landslides, especially during the rainy season.
He appealed to motorists to increase their vigilance and caution when crossing areas prone to landslides, especially when it rains.
"Imbauan untuk pengguna jalan agar lebih berhati-hati saat melintas, apalagi saat hujan turun," katanya.
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