JAKARTA - President Jokowi reminded the public to routinely check their health when in touch with participants of the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesian Cards (JKN-KIS) at Gunungkidul Cultural Park, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

"Please often check the blood pressure, if our tension is normal, it's not below 90 and not above 140, it means we are healthy. Also check blood sugar, this is important because 15 percent of our population has diabetes, has diabetes, has diabetes, because we enjoy it. sweet," said President Jokowi as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 30.

In his remarks, the President reminded the public to routinely check health such as blood pressure or blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.

Furthermore, President Jokowi explained that previously the "ultrasonography" or ultrasound scan tool facility was only in city-level health facilities, but now each puskesmas has an ultrasound tool to help with pregnancy examinations.

Therefore, the Head of State requested that pregnant women routinely pay attention to their personal and maternity health, as well as take the vitamins given so that they can prevent cases of stunting children.


- https://voi.id/berita/352723/tkn-optimistis-prabowo-gibran-bisa-menang-telak-di-jawa-barat

- https://voi.id/berita/352722/guntur-soekarnoputra-klaim-bila-ganjar-menang-jokowi-mau-diapain-gampang-itu-istana-kutip-bung-karno

- https://voi.id/berita/352711/masih-belum-ada-kepastian-sanksi-pelanggaran-gibran-di-cfd-satpol-pp-sudah-lewat-itu

- https://voi.id/berita/352707/hasto-amini-pertemuan-mahfud-md-dengan-megawati-ini-yang-dibahas

- https://voi.id/berita/352705/ulas-penanganan-covid-19-erick-thohir-bicara-alasan-dukung-prabowo-gibran


The President also ensured that the public would benefit from the ownership of KIS, such as cataract surgery and dialysis patients.

"IDR 82 thousand for dialysis, if type A is IDR 1.2 million, imagine twice a week, how much, ten years. That's the government's job, the task of the state is to provide guarantees to its people who are sick," said Jokowi.

President Jokowi appreciates the hospital services that are going well. The President also appealed to the public to continue to maintain health and carry out a healthy lifestyle.

"I checked the service hospital quickly, indeed there are queues that sometimes one hour, 1.5 hours, because those who want to be served a lot have to queue. The most important thing is that we take care of our respective health once again, keep our diet," concluded the President.

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