Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin inaugurated the integrated central building and the health laboratory building of the Sidoarjo Regional General Hospital (RSUD), East Java.

Previously, type B Sidoarjo Hospital was upgraded to type A. The efforts of Sidoarjo Regent Ahmad Muhdlor were appreciated by the Minister of Health. "Being a type A hospital must have at least three health services for stroke, heart, and cancer. Because these three diseases currently dominate the cause of a person's death," he said on the sidelines of the inauguration of the building in Sidoarjo, Sunday, East Java on January 28, was confiscated by Antara. The Minister of Health also said that Sidoarjo Regency is the only local government that has a type A RSUD in Indonesia so it must move quickly to provide the best health services.

"If the tools already exist, our homework (PR) is that the human resources are still lacking, so we also provide 2,000 scholarships for specialist doctors," he said. The Ministry of Health also invites people in the local district to keep the community healthy, namely by counseling at health centers, posyandu, health cadres to promote the importance of healthy living to the community. "Our job is to keep the community healthy is much more important, than having to treat the community when sick," he said.

Bupati Sidoarjo mengatakan setelah RSUD Sidoarjo menjadi satu-satunya rumah sakit kabupaten yang bertipe A maka harus berubah menjadi lebih baik dari segi apapun."Berubahnya kelas RSUD Sidoarjo tidak dapat dipisahkan dari standar rumah sakit yang naik. Baik dari segi sarana prasarana maupun Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) kesehatannya, serta pelayanannya, jangan lantas menjadikan kita berpuas diri namun tetaplah menjadi fastabihul khoirot (berlomba-lomba dalam kebaikan)," katanya.Bupati Sidoarjo itu juga menekankan pentingnya fasilitas kesehatan yang modern untuk melayani masyarakat Sidoarjo secara optimal."Konsekuensi kami setelah menjadi RS tipe A adalah meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan dan kenyamanan pasien baik rujukan kabupaten/kota lain maupun masyarakat Sidoarjo sendiri," katanya.Plt. Direktur RSUD Sidoarjo Syamsu Rahmadi mengatakan, Gedung Pusat Terpadu RSUD Sidoarjo ini akan melayani 10 layanan prioritas Kementerian Kesehatan, di antaranya stroke, kanker, kardiovaskuler, penyakit infeksi emerging, kesehatan ibu dan anak, kesehatan jiwa, uronefrologi, respirasi dan TBC, diabetes mellitus, dan gastrohepatologi."Dengan resminya Gedung Pusat Terpadu ini, maka kami operasionalkan lantai satu, dua, dan tiga untuk layanan farmasi, laboratorium, rehab medik, urologi, bedah digestif, pediatri, serta, bedah torac kardiovascular," tandasnya.

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