Presidential candidate (candidate) number 1, Anies Baswedan said he was optimistic that he and vice presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar would excel in winning the 2024 presidential election in West Java (West Java).

After carrying out a grand campaign at Tegallega Square, Bandung, Anies assessed that the majority of residents in West Java have consistently elected presidential and vice-presidential candidates who have been on the opposition side of the government since the 2014 presidential election.

"West Java is extraordinary, and this morning the masses gathered so much and the message was the same change. Therefore, we are increasingly optimistic. God willing, the people of West Java will be consistent in the choice of change and as they always chose changes in 2014 changes, 2019, and changes also in 2024," said Anies, Sunday, January 28.

In today's grand campaign activities in Bandung, Anies was accompanied by the 10th and 12th Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK), as well as the Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh.

During his decades in government, JK, according to Anies, has felt the need for change. This is what underlies JK going down the mountain helping to win Aniae and Muhaimin in this year's political contestation.

"I think this is a clear view, a view that needs serious attention from all children of the nation. That this republic is at a crossroads and we are consistent in maintaining democracy, consistently protecting the rule of law, consistently keeping this country away from the practice of feudalism, nepotism that we have removed from the start," explained Anies.

Chairman of the West Java NasDem DPW and Secretary General of the AMIN National Team, Saan Mustopa, reiterated Anies' intention that West Java residents consistently wanted change.

Since the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections, the majority of West Java residents have indeed chosen Prabowo Subianto with a vote of around 60 percent. However, Saan claimed Prabowo's superiority occurred because previously he had always been in the opposition to President Joko Widodo's administration.

"In my opinion, in a situation like today, where in 2014, 2019, Prabowo got a significant number at 60 percent. For example, if we can reach 50 percent for February 14, that's already extraordinary," said Saan.

On that basis, the Anies-Muhaimin camp took advantage of the negative sentiment of the people of West Java to the government. He believes that support for Prabowo, who was once in the opposition and has now crossed into a government camp, will be eroded, thus switching to support the candidate pair number 1.

"When getting a partner with Pak Gibran who is a direct representative from Pak Jokowi, of course, Prabowo's voters in the two elections feel uncomfortable, have objections, there is a refusal. They are the ones who exodus left Pak Prabowo and moved to Pak Anies," he explained.

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