The body of Police Brigadier One (posthumous) Alfando Steve Kalamoy who was the victim of the shooting of an armed criminal group in Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua, was buried in the Heroes Cemetery of Tanjung Tuis Village, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi.

The Burial Ceremony of Brigadier (Annumerta) Alfando Steve Karamoy was led by the Commander of Regiment III of the Pioneer Forces of the Brimob Police Corps, Kombes Wahyu.

Brigadier Alfando Steve Karamoy, personnel from the Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force 2024, was shot by members of an armed criminal group (KKB) in Intan Jaya, Central Papua, and died at the Intan Jaya Hospital on Friday, January 19, 2024.

The attack by KKB members allegedly came from behind Telkomsel's BTS tower in Bilogai Village, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency. During the firefight, one member of the Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force was reported to have been shot.

Commander of Regiment III of the Police Mobile Brigade Corps Passport Kombes Police Wahyu in his remarks at the funeral ceremony of Brigadier Alfando Steve said this funeral was a form of respect for the deceased who had been dedicated to the nation and state.

"The disaster will happen to anyone, let's always be wary of life in service to the country," he said.

Wahyu said Brigadier General Steve Karamoy was the best son of the Brimob Police Corps who had fought for the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The National Police, continued Wahyu, felt deep sadness over the loss of a nation's son who died in carrying out his duties.

"We, the big family of the National Police, express our condolences and may the deeds of worship of the deceased be accepted by Him," said Kombes Wahyu.

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