MEDAN - Medan City DPRD held a plenary session proposing the inauguration of the mayor and deputy mayor of Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution-Aulia Rachman.

Chairman of the Medan DPRD, Hasyim who chaired the plenary session, said this proposal would later be submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian through the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi.

"Today's plenary is related to proposals for the approval of the appointment of elected mayor and deputy mayor candidates for 2021-2024. We will process these proposals today after the plenary session to be sent to Medagri through the Governor as representatives of the central government," said Hasyim, Tuesday, 23 February.

He hopes that there will be no obstacles to the agenda for the inauguration of Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman. Hasyim confirmed that the results of the plenary session were sent directly to the governor of North Sumatra.

"We hope that the process at the Ministry of Home Affairs can be carried out immediately and according to the planned schedule (inauguration), perhaps on February 26, there will be an oath of office and inauguration," said the PDI-P politician.

Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman through an open plenary meeting was appointed as the elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan for the period 2021-2024. The stipulation was contained in the SK KPU Medan number 175 / PL.02.7-Kpt / 1271 / KPU-Kot / II / 2021.

President Jokowi's son-in-law previously stated that he would immediately focus on fixing the Medan Pemko bureaucracy.

But not just bureaucracy, Bobby and Aulia want to clean up Medan City.

"For 100 working days, there really isn't that much. We will focus on the work in the future, for example the matter of cleanliness, which is not just garbage but cleanliness of the drainage of the city of Medan," said Bobby Nasution, Thursday, February 18.

Bobby Nasution said clogged drainage due to garbage can cause flooding in Medan.

"The problem is that so far the cause of flooding and an impact on infrastructure is still inadequate," he said.

Meanwhile, the matter of bureaucratic arrangement will also be a priority. There is also a program for handling COVID-19 in Medan.

"We want to really implement 3T, namely Testing, Tracing, and Treatment. We want to know how many positive COVID-19 ones are so that we don't make mistakes in providing policies," he said.

Bobby Nasution hopes that all parties work together to advance Medan City. The collaboration concept will take precedence.

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