DENPASAR - The police revealed the facts about the circulation of drug cases in Bali which were apparently controlled from inside the prison. Prisoners controlling drug trafficking are Kerobokan Prison and Banyuwangi Prison, East Java.
"If there is a network of prisons. They (dealers) are controlled a lot, both from the Kerobokan prison and prisons in Banyuwangi. That is around 40 to 50 percent because they only control the network, only communication", said the Director of Narcotics Investigation at the Bali Police, Mochamad Kozin at the Bali Police Headquarters, Tuesday, February 23.
Control of drug trafficking from behind bars is known based on the Anti-Corruption Operation held by the Bali Police. There are 64 drug cases with 74 suspects.
The evidence that was secured was 417 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 88.78 grams of marijuana, 12 ecstasy pills, heroin to gorilla tobacco.
"If I see, from these results the distributors are 60 percent and 40 percent are users. For foreigners, foreigners are from Russia, France, Italy, and Switzerland. That is the average user himself", added Kozin.

According to him, the result of Operasi Antik on February 4-19 was more than the previous operation.
"The increase is more than last year. I actually see logically that there is COVID-19, people are afraid. If the name is afraid, they have to avoid and stay away, but in fact, these drugs are unbroken, especially from the Denpasar Police, the most evidence and arrests", he said.
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