Bangka Belitung BPBD Reminds Residents To Beware Of Tornadoes And Lightning
Illustration, BPBD Babel urges the public to be aware of lightning (ANTARA/HO-ANTARA Photos)

PANGKALPINANG - BPBD Bangka Belitung Islands Province asked the public to be aware of tornadoes and lightning, due to the increasing appearance of cumulonimbus clouds during the rainy season in the area.

"We have socialized and educated the potential for this natural disaster to the public to minimize casualties," said the Head of BPBD for the Province of the Babel Islands, Mikron Antariksa, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 13.

The intensity of rain at the beginning of this year was very extreme, plus the emergence of cumulonimbus clouds, so that the potential for natural disasters, such as floods, tornadoes and lightning strikes is quite large

"Yesterday there were residents who died from lightning strikes, so they had to be watched out for by not doing activities outside the home during heavy rains accompanied by strong winds and lightning," he said.

The whirlwind incident during 2023 reached 24 events or decreased compared to the previous year 41 events. Meanwhile, extreme weather during 2023, was 46 or decreased compared to the previous year which reached 54 events.

The extreme weather is spread across seven regencies/cities, namely Bangka Regency, Central Bangka, West Bangka, South Bangka, Belitung, East Belitung, and Pangkalpinang City.

"The lightning spread in Bangka Belitung is dangerous, different from other areas, because the tin content in this area is very high," he said.

According to him, in an effort to minimize casualties due to this disaster, disaster education is needed to be more vigilant and careful during extreme weather.

"This education is very important, if there is rain accompanied by lightning, what should the community do to avoid the catastrophic impact of extreme weather. This is our common task to avoid casualties due to this lightning," he said.

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