Ganjar's Wife Calls Posyandu The Front Guard For Public Health Services
Atiqoh Ganjar Pranowo during a meeting of 1,500 Posyandu cadres in Palembang, Friday (12/1/2023). (ANTARA/M IMAM PRAMANA)

JAKARTA - The wife of the presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, Siti Atiqoh revealed that the integrated service post aka Posyandu is at the forefront of serving the community. Atiqoh said he really understood all the things faced by the Posyandu management, which usually consists of mothers.

"I represent the community, then women who have received services and all policy makers express their gratitude for the performance of Posyandu," he said during a meeting of 1,500 Posyandu cadres in Palembang, Friday, January 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

He continued, during the COVID pandemic, Posyandu was at the forefront of serving ranging from immunization services, vaccines, and even stunting prevention.

In addition, Atiqoh said, the health paradigm in Posyandu must shift from curative to preventive and promotive.

He explained that curative means that it must be treated to a doctor, for example, what illness is then diagnosed. However, promotive and preventive should not let the community go to health services because the community is healthy.

Atiqoh said, Posyandu is the key by educating the public how to live a healthy life.

Regarding the services in Posyandu, for example, stunting, because Posyandu takes care of all community services, so if something happens, something can be detected early and served immediately.

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