Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lieutenant General TNI Suharyanto stated that Indonesia is one of the 35 countries in the world that has the highest potential for disaster risk.

"Indeed, Indonesia is famous for its very high potential disaster," he said in the 2023 Disaster Kaleidoscope and 2024 Disaster Outlook in Jakarta, Friday, January 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

Suharyanto said that throughout 2020 to 2023, Indonesia experienced thousands of disasters, such as in 2023, reaching 4,940 disasters, while in 2020-2021 there were 6,000 disasters.

For the 2023 disaster, which reached 4,940 times, it was dominated by wet hydrometeorological disasters, such as floods, landslides, extreme weather.

Although disaster events in Indonesia continue to increase, the impact is not always directly proportional to the number of incidents.

For example, for damaged houses there was a decline, namely in 2021 as many as 158,659 houses, in 2022 as many as 95,403 houses, and in 2023 it decreased again even though the intensity of disaster events increased from year to year.

In addition, West Java is also the area most often hit by disasters, but the most damaged houses are actually found in Nusa Tenggara even though there are few incidents in the area.

This happened because in 2022-2023, disasters in Nusa Tenggara were not in the form of floods and landslides, but tropical cyclones.

Then, regarding the number of people who died or disappeared, in 2022 the number was high, because at that time there was an earthquake in Cianjur which claimed 602 lives, in 2023 it fell, because there was no such significant disaster that resulted in many people dying.

"This is of course fluctuating. We cannot see from the number of disasters. Even though the incident has increased, the impact is not always directly proportional to the number of incidents," said Suharyanto.

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