JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin will convey the hopes of the Indonesian New Energy Society (MEBNI) regarding the construction of a Nuclear Power Plant (PLTN) in Indonesia to President Joko Widodo.

This was conveyed by the Spokesperson for Vice President Masduki Baidlowi after the Vice President received the MEBNI representative at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Thursday, January 11.

Earlier, the vice president agreed to convey this (the MEBNI's hope for the development of PLTN in Indonesia) to the president, because it is not the vice president's job in the context of making decisions. So that the political goodwill, the vice president will convey it to the president," said Masduki.

He said it was hoped that before the end of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's term of office in October, there would be a statement or decision regarding the construction of the PLTN.

"Hopefully, before the end of October's position, in at least August there will be a statement about this nuclear matter, because from various points of view, all laws and regulations have been implemented," he said.

Meanwhile, MEBNI General Chair Arnold Soetrisnanto said that the MEBNI organization which was declared in March 2023 wanted to encourage and assist the government in realizing the first PLTN development in Indonesia.

Arnold said that the desire to build PLTN in Indonesia had been conveyed by the 1st President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno in the 1950s. Furthermore, in the 1960s, a National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) was formed.

"And until now there have been seven presidents, no results (the construction of PLTN)," said Arnold.

Arnold said that his party was facing the Vice President to ask for political support for the development of the first PLTN in Indonesia.

Because of the political problem. The community, if they 'discipate' with the antinuclear (issue), reacts very quickly, they immediately say no-nuclear. Even though all countries have agreed to build PLTN, even at COP28 (UN Climate Change Conference) yesterday in Abu Dhabi stated that up to 2050 nuclear (PLTN) must triple in the world," he said.

According to Arnold, currently around the world there are 440 PLTN operating. If according to the COP28 target, it is estimated that by 2050 there will be 1,200 PLTN operating.

"Hopefully Indonesia will participate in this, which will enter the nuclear industry because Indonesia does not yet exist," he explained.

Arnold emphasized that PLTN development needs to be carried out if Indonesia wants to become a developed country.

He said that if the PLTN was not built, Indonesia would lack electricity and there would not be industrialization.

"If there is no industrialization, Indonesia will not become a developed country in 2045. If there is no industrialization, Indonesia will not have economic growth of up to 7 percent," said Arnold.

In addition, Arnold emphasized the reliability and efficiency of PLTN, because it only needs to replace a third of the fuel every three years, and will not stop producing electricity despite the storm rain.

Then cheap, he competes with coal prices, below seven cents per kwh. Then environmentally friendly, because nuclear three years of operation does not beg for Co2, "he said.

MEBNI also said PLTN is very safe for life, because based on data, the death toll from nuclear energy is very low compared to other energy sources.

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