Presidential candidate (candidate) number 1, Anies Baswedan explained the moment when he and vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Muhaimin Iskandar shook hands with the chairman of the PDI-P DPP Puan Maharani after the third debate of the 2024 presidential election on Sunday, January 7. Anies admitted that he was indeed trying to shake hands with all the presidential and vice presidential candidates and invited guests of the debate who were present, including Puan who passed the meeting with herself and Cak Imin. "Actually, after the debate, we shake hands with everyone there. Yes, if it's not there, I don't shake hands because we automatically want to find where we are? So, because we welcome everything there, including Mbak Puan," said Anies in Gorontalo, Monday, January 8. Later, there was the issue of the possibility that the presidential and vice presidential pairs number 2 and 3 would form a coalition when entering the second round of the 2024 presidential election. In line with Puan's statement, Anies also admitted that there was a coalition opportunity between the two camps. "Yes, basically all opportunities are always there, but we are now concentrating not there, our concentration increases support for change. After that we will talk, we will talk about the next phase," explained Anies. Currently, Anies emphasized that he and Cak Imin are still focused on getting the biggest support in the 2024 presidential election ahead of voting day on February 14, bringing the idea of change. "So, God willing, not only 1-2 parties, but more and more millions of Indonesians join the movement of change," he continued. Previously, while attending the third debate specifically for presidential candidates at Istora Senayan Puan Maharani opened up opportunities for the Ganjar-Pranowo camp to join Anies-Muhaimin during the second round of the 2024 presidential election.
"God willing, we'll see how it will be in the future. The important thing is that everything can go well and smoothly, everything can run honestly and fairly," said Puan.

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