JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that the rain will flush the capital city on Monday, January 8 afternoon and evening.

The weather for six areas of Jakarta will be cloudy in the morning. Conditions change during the day. Rain evenly will fall throughout Jakarta, except for the Thousand Islands.

Specifically, South Jakarta (Jaksel) and East Jakarta (Jaktim) should be vigilant because the rain will be accompanied by lightning.

The rain continued at night. Beware of the potential for heavy rain accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds that can occur in parts of West Jakarta, South Jakarta, and East Jakarta in the afternoon until the evening," said BMKG on its official website.

The temperature in Jakarta ranges from 24-29 degrees Celsius with 75-100% humidity.

Similar weather is also predicted to occur in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Rain accompanied by lightning will occur in Bodetabek during the day and night.

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