JAKARTA - The floods that submerged the Jakarta area since Friday again dragged the name of former DKI Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok. The word Ahok became a trending topic on Twitter on Sunday, February 21.

The conversation on Twitter covered Ahok's work as governor of DKI Jakarta in dealing with floods.

The Twitter account, @kantayu, even uploaded a screenshot of the news about flood management during Ahok and Anies.

The screenshot photo reads, 'Anticipating Floods, Ahok Will Forcibly Dismantle Barriers to Connecting Channels' from Kompas.com, and 'Anticipate Floods, Anies Urges Residents to Download Guidebooks' from Beritasatu.com.

Kantayu also described the photo he uploaded.

"No wonder it's flooded. No wonder ... One of them is dismantling the channel blocker, the other one is asking to download a book. It's a different class between Ahok and Anies. Jkt58 has taken the wrong decision ...", he said.

This statement caused a polemic on Twitter. Many have teased Anies because of the policy of downloading a guidebook for floods.

"Hahaha ... when the flood was already near, the residents were busy downloading manual books ... The book was not finished downloading yet and flooded ...", wrote @igoen_anindya.

"The difference between those who master the problem and those who don't understand the problem .. !! It is thought that flooding can be avoided online. Face with tears of joy", said @FerdinandHaean3.

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