DEMAK - Hundreds of private teachers in Demak Regency, Central Java, united in the declaration of independent support for the Prabowo-Gibran pair in the 2024 Presidential Election. The head of the Prabowo-Gibran Regional Campaign Team (TKD) of Demak Regency, Maskuri, stated that this support covers various levels of education, ranging from elementary schools to high schools, MA, and vocational schools.

Private teachers, including ustad and ustazah from the educational institution ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), participated in voicing Prabowo-Gibran's victory. Maskuri explained that the main reason for this support was the alignment of the couple's vision and mission with the Nahdatul Ulama struggle, as well as the free lunch program that was carried out.

"The Prabowo-Gibran vision and mission is in line with NU's struggle. One of them is a strong commitment to caring for pesantren," said Maskuri.

He added that the couple's special attention to students, especially in providing free meals including milk, is considered a positive step that can reduce the burden on pesantren.

In addition, the teachers responded well to Prabowo-Gibran's intention to improve and continue the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) program. "The Smart Indonesia Card is very helpful, we appreciate and support this program to be continued and perfected in the future," hoped Maskuri.

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