JAKARTA - The Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) recorded an increase in the number of cases of bullying or bullying in education units in 2023 compared to the previous year.

Chairman of the FSGI Expert Council, Retno Listyarti, explained that in the FSGI listing, bullying in education units throughout 2023 reached 30 cases. In detail, 80 percent occurred in education units under the authority of the Ministry of Education and Culture and 20 percent of bullying cases occurred in education units under the Ministry of Religion.

"The 30 cases are cases that have been reported to the authorities and processed. This number has increased because in the 2022 FSGI records there were 21 cases of bullying, or there was an increase of 9 cases," said Retno in his statement, Sunday, December 31.

Of the 30 cases, 50 percent occurred at the junior high school level or equivalent, 30 percent in elementary school or equivalent, 10 percent in high school / equivalent, and 10 percent at the vocational or equivalent level.

"The junior high school level has the most bullying, both for students to peers, and for educators," said Retno.

From the bullying case this year, continued Retno, there were two fatalities, namely one elementary school student in Sukabumi Regency and one MTs santri in Blitar. Both died after experiencing violence from peers at his school.

Then, there were also students who were burned by their peers while sleeping, resulting in serious burns. In addition, there is also 1 case of bullying at the elementary school level which is suspected to be one of the triggers for suicide victims, even though the cause of suicide is never single.

Of the 30 cases, it was recorded that there was discipline with violence by teachers related to violations of school rules related to signs.

"There was a teacher in Lamongan who cut the hair of 14 students because they did not wear ciput until they were crowded in front and teachers in Samosir (North Sumatra) cut the hair of students, so the side hair was left so that the child felt humiliated or experienced psychological violence," said Retno.

Meanwhile, bullying cases throughout 2023 are in 24 regencies/cities from 12 provinces, namely Gresik, Pasuruan, Lamongan, Banyuwangi and Biltar Regencies in East Java; Bogor, Garut, Bekasi, Bandung, Bandung, Sukabumi, and Cianjur regencies in West Java; Temanggung Regency and Cilacap district in Central Java; South Jakarta in DKI Jakarta.

Then, Banjarmasin City in South Kalimantan; Palangkaraya City in Central Kalimantan; Samarinda City in East Kalimantan; Bengkulu City, and Rejang Lebong Regency in Bengkulu; Samosir in North Sumatra; Palembang in South Sumatra; South Halmahera in North Maluku; and Muna Regency in Southeast Sulawesi.

"FSGI encourages the Ministry of Education and Culture and local governments to make various efforts to prevent and deal with violence in educational units, including through the application of Permendikbudristek Number 46 of 2023 concerning the prevention and handling of violence in educational units, it must be implemented to create a safe and comfortable school without violence through positive discipline," he added.

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