JAKARTA - The East Java Regional Police stated that there are five regions in the local province that are categorized as vulnerable during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). "In the vulnerable category, there are five regions. Everything is mapped in Madura from Bangkalan to Sumenep, then Pasuruan," said East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Imam Sugianto, he quoted Antara as saying. The police chief explained the reason why a number of these areas were categorized as vulnerable because of the history of holding elections in 2019. "If I'm not mistaken, there were 12 incidents. Including one in Sampang, the burning of the Tambelang Police is a special note," he said. The two-police star general hopes that prominent events, especially in Madura, in the upcoming elections, can be suppressed.

"Of course we will try to map the vulnerability and send enough troops," he said.

Previously, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo revealed that East Java was one of the vulnerable areas during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). "Initially, East Java was one of the most vulnerable, but now it has turned into a vulnerable one, and also the Papua region has become one of the most vulnerable and we will see its development," said the National Police Chief during the Declaration of Peace Elections at the East Java Police Headquarters, Surabaya. The National Police Chief specifically explained that the vulnerability index created by the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) continues to change according to the development of the existing dynamics. "The most important thing is that we should not underestimate it. Therefore, to deal with such a situation, it is important to always urge the public to maintain unity and integrity," said the four-star general.

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