The Bandung Police Criminal Investigation Unit continues to pursue the alleged perpetrator who is still at large in a criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) against a 12-year-old elementary school 6th grade student in Bandung City, who was sold to 20 mashers.

So far, the police have arrested two suspects, namely AD and DF. Bandung Police Chief, Kombes Pol Budi Sartono, explained that his party is still actively pursuing the alleged perpetrator who is still on the wanted list (DPO).

"Regarding one perpetrator who is still in DPO status, he is still in the process of being chased," said Police Commissioner Budi Sartono in his statement, Thursday, December 21.

Budi gave an appeal to parents to continue to monitor their children, especially when playing cellphones and using social media.

"The appeal was related to yesterday's incident, a girl was reported missing. It turned out that after being found, the victim was under the control of a more mature man," he added.

Therefore, Budi suggested that parents always supervise their children, especially in the use of social media and cellphones.

"Especially for children who are still minors, they should not be allowed to use their cellphones alone. If possible, monitor their conversations and online activities," he said.

As previously reported, the 6th grade elementary school student KJP (12) reportedly disappeared from home after previously saying goodbye to school on November 28, 2023. The victim's parents had reported the incident to the police after several days of being declared missing.

The victim did not return home because he was persuaded by the seduction of one of the AD suspects, known through social media. The suspect invited the victim KJP to stay in one of the apartments.

Not only molesting the victim, AD also had the heart to sell the victim on the online dating site to the mashers for 11 days. Not only that, AD also had time to hand over the victim to his colleague, DF, who also molested and sold the 12-year-old victim to 20 other mashers in Bandung City.

After searching for three weeks, the Bandung Police Satreskrim officers found a sixth grade elementary school student in Bandung who had disappeared from home. In addition to securing the victim, officers also arrested two men, namely AD and DF.

The two perpetrators were charged with Article 81 in conjunction with 76d of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons with a maximum threat of 15 years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 600 million.

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