TUBAN - Residents of Sumergeneng Village, Jenu District, Tuban Regency, East Java, have had good luck. Before becoming millionaires, apparently they were recipients of Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

But fate said differently, now the residents in remote areas of the border between East Java and Central Java are in the spotlight of the wider community, because they are suddenly rich. Hundreds of people suddenly became billionaires after selling land to PT Pertamina.

The land was sold for the construction of the New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) oil refinery in collaboration with Russian company Rosneft. From selling the land, on average, local people get hundreds of millions of money, up to Rp28 billion.

"In Sumurgeneng Village there are 288 BPNT beneficiary families (KPM)," said Imron,

Assistance for Food Social Assistance (BSP) or District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK) Jenu, Tuban Regency, confirmed, Thursday, February 18, 2021.

In fact, said Imron, the BPNT assistance also targets people who have already received billions of money after selling land for an oil refinery project. Having found this, they will automatically be written off as an acceptance of the central government program because they have become billionaires. "Yes, residents who yesterday received MM an (billions) also received assistance (BPNT)," he said.

It is not known how many recipients will be replaced. Because, at this time the team had gone down to the field to re-verify in Sumurgeneng Village. "Yesterday I was there and is currently still being verified," said Imron.

It is known, in Sumurgeneng Village there are about 280 residents or land owners who have been affected by the oil refinery construction project. All residents have agreed to sell their land for the construction of the National project.

The compensation for land owned by residents is priced at around Rp. 600 to Rp. 800 thousand per square meter. "At most, around Rp. 28 billion, that's the people of Surabaya who have owned land here for a long time," said Head of Sumurgeneng Village, Ghianto.

The oil refinery construction project in Jenu Subdistrict cost US $ 15 billion to US $ 16 billion or around Rp. 225 trillion. This project occupies an area of approximately 900 hectares.

Of the land area, the total land area of residents affected for this oil refinery project is 529 areas located in three villages in Jenu District, Tuban. The three villages are Wadung, Kaliuntu, and Sumurgeneng.

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