Dor! Sharp Armed Robbers Who Satroni The Lecturer House In Makassar Were Shot
Proof of robbery at a lecturer house in Makassar (DOK. Police)

MAKASSAR - Two robberies who were armed with sharp weapons at the house of a lecturer in Makassar, South Sulawesi were shot by police.

The Head of Public Relations of the Makassar Police, Kompol Supriady Idrus said they were shot because they fought the police while searching for evidence of a robbery.

The police gave warning shots, but the perpetrator with the initials B still tried to escape on Jalan Puaccara, Parepare. At that time the perpetrator with the initials H also tried to escape.

"The two who were shot by the hot lead below went to the hospital, the perpetrator B hit the left leg. Meanwhile, H the right leg", said Police Commissioner Supriady Idrus, to reporters, Thursday, February 18.

Meanwhile, the robbery took place on February 9. Two perpetrators suddenly appeared and threatened the owner of the house badly.

"The perpetrator threatened the victim using a Badik (knife) by drawing the Badik and pointing it at the victim's body", said Supriady.

After threatening, the perpetrator forced the victim to tell the place where the valuables were stored.

"The perpetrator asked where his valuables were then the two perpetrators ransacked the house, taking the valuables in the form of 2 laptops, cell phones, gold necklaces, and tens of millions of cash", said Supriady.

The perpetrator and the evidence of Badik including the goods resulting from the robbery were brought to the Makassar Police. The perpetrator was charged under Article 365 of the Criminal Code.

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