A Mother Was Found Hanging Herself In West Pasaman, West Sumatra, The Family Was Not Willing To Do A Visum
Illustration (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - A housewife from Durian Hutan Nagari Aia Gadang, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, with the initials R (42) was found dead hanging herself in an empty house, Wednesday, February 17.

"The victim was found by residents around 11.00 WIB in a dead condition," said Head of Pasaman Police AKP Lija Nesmon at Simpang Empat, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 18.

He said that the victim was found by witness Andika for the first time hanging on the door of the victim's empty house.

"Before dying by hanging himself, the victim, according to witness testimony, had a history of kidney disease," he said.

After the witness saw the victim, he immediately reported it to other residents and the police.

After that the victim was dropped off by the identification unit. The victim was immediately brought home and examined by the medical officer of the Aia Gadang Health Center. There were no signs of abuse on the victim's body.

He explained that the family was not willing to do an external or internal post mortem for the victim.

"The family accepted the victim's death due to suicide and made a statement that no post mortem was carried out," he said.

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