JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, reviewed Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java. While having a dialogue with MSME players in the area, Puan encouraged online selling training.

Puan's review was carried out in the MSME area located in Pakujoyo Park, Gayam, Sukoharjo, Sunday (3/12/2023). There are almost 1,000 business actors who have participated in the dialogue with Puan.

On that occasion, Puan encouraged the local government to intensify online selling training for MSMEs. He said that MSME players are the backbone of the Indonesian economy so they must be supported, one of which is by increasing training to maximize sales.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to prosper or lack of business? Now you want to prosper, I also want Indonesian MSMEs to prosper, advance to class, and excel," said Puan, greeted by MSME actors in Pakujoyo Park.

As chairman of the DPR, Puan asked every member of the council and regional head to think about increasing efforts for MSME actors.

"So I encourage friends in the DPR RI and also with regional heads to help MSMEs in various regions, one of which is in Sukoharjo," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

In addition to providing capital, Puan also emphasized the importance of taking sides with every regional leadership apparatus to small and medium enterprises.

"Starting from business capital assistance, then there is also training so that the business is neater and then the promotion is also encouraged so that the sales will increase, not only there," explained Puan.

In terms of promotion, Puan revealed the importance of MSME players following the times by selling online. He said that marketing strategies through digital systems will make it easier for MSME players to market their products.

"I ordered this to the Regent of Sukoharjo so that the training is increasingly boosted for online sales because if Sukoharjo MSMEs want to move up to class, they want to be more selling well, they have to be digitally literate," said Puan.

Furthermore, the first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives invited the public to help develop MSMEs. For example, Puan appealed to shopping for necessities at MSMEs because when MSMEs grow, the people's economy will also have a positive effect.

"I also want to invite us to work together to strengthen MSMEs, for example, for example, let's go to Sukoharjo, who wants to shop first from MSMEs in Sukoharjo. So that the economy in Sukoharjo can get faster and more advanced," he said.

Puan then invited a number of MSME actors in Sukoharjo to go up to the podium to talk directly with her. One of them, Sinta, is a seller of dry food.

To Puan, Sinta admitted that she had tried selling through a digital system.

"I have sold using social media, but I still lose to Tiktok. We hope to be given training so that we can compete, besides that we also ask for additional business capital," said Sinta.

Another hope was also conveyed by Iwan Gunadi, a sablon t-shirt business actor. He expressed a complaint regarding the difficulty of making a Trader Business License (SIUP).

"I ask the Regent to make it easier for us to make SIUPs and others. We also ask for assistance or capital facilities," Iwan hoped.

Another thing with the hope that Kurniawan conveyed was a tea ice seller. He asked Puan how the tips to advance regional MSMEs are so that they can compete at the national level.

Hearing Kurniawan's question, Puan then joked like receiving a question from a moderator during the presidential and vice presidential debate.

"This is a question like a presidential debate," joked Puan, which was greeted by laughter from MSME actors.

"The important thing is hard work, gotong royong. Make a catalog to be diligent in participating in national exhibitions. I will also ask the Regent of Sukoharjo to sort out the selection of Sukoharjo's original products to participate in national exhibitions," continued Bung Karno's grandson.

After a dialogue with MSME actors, Puan took the time to see the MSME stand-stands in Pakujoyo Park. Puan was accompanied by the Regent of Sukoharjo, Etik Suryani.

Various business units are in Pakujoyo Park, which is a promotion building in the district. In addition, Puan also handed over business capital assistance of Rp. 100 million for 100 people and provided 1,000 food packages to MSME actors.

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