The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) has prepared a world-class museum in the area so that it will become one of the new icons for the Indonesian people.

"So, we want it to be in the archipelago world-class. One of them is the museum. We will try to formulate it again later. Of course, we will ask for the opinions of art and culture experts, arts and cultural schools such as IKJ, ISI and others as well as activists, experts," said Head of the OIKN Agency Bambang Susantono after visiting one of the museums in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Friday (2/12) local time, quoted by Antara.

Bambang said that in order to realize the existence of a world-class museum in the archipelago, his party had communicated with cultural observers, art activists and even conducted studies in several countries with museums known to the world.

All of this was done to help define a world-class museum that can reflect on the diversity of the Indonesian nation in a museum that will be built in IKN in the future.

"We are making several comparisons in Europe, in several places and also later we will consult with museum foundations in Indonesia so that later we will get the best," he explained during a visit on the sidelines of the COP28 event in Dubai, UAE.

The development of IKN, which is being built on the island of Kalimantan, is one strategic priority project listed in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

The construction of the new capital city of Indonesia was carried out in the period 2022 to 2045.



The Indonesian government itself targets IKN to be built with a fund of 80 percent of investment and 20 percent of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

For this year, the realization of IKN expenditures has reached IDR 13 trillion as of October 2023 from the total allocation of IDR 29.3 trillion in the 2023 State Budget.

The Rp29.3 trillion expenditure ceiling itself includes infrastructure expenditures of Rp26.3 trillion and non-infrastructure expenditures of Rp3 trillion.

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