JAKARTA - A fisherman from Kampung Callingan, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Parel (53), was attacked by a crocodile while fishing in Situ Habibi, in Cikalapa Village, Cipeundeuy Village, Surade District Friday, (1/12) night. "Alhamdulillah, the victim, who is a resident of RT 16 RW 04, Ciracak Village/District, managed to survive, only the part of his left heel was torn due to the crocodile's bite," said Cipeundeuy Village Head Bakang Anwar As'adi in Sukabumi, Saturday, quoted by Antara. Information gathered from the Cipeundeuy Village Head, the incident began when Parel was fishing in Situ Habibi alone. Because the fish spot was in the middle there, the victim then went down into Situ Habibi. As he was busy fishing, suddenly, he felt pain in his heel as if someone was biting and spontaneously pulled his leg out of the water and it turned out that the crocodile's head appeared. Panicd Sarel immediately fled and came out of there, but the crocodile continued to chase him. However, the victim managed to escape from the "gramor".


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"It is possible that the crocodile is still chasing the victim, because the smell of blood axis coming out of the bite wound" he added. On the other hand, Bakang appealed to residents to go to Situ Habibi either to fish, sell fish or play/tourism to be careful. In addition, his party also coordinates with the relevant agencies to carry out handling so that there are no other victims.

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