BANDA ACEH - A total of 139 Rohingya refugees returned to land on the coastal area of Ie Meulee, Sukajaya District, Sabang City, Aceh, and they received rejection from local residents.

"Yes (the arrival of Rohingya immigrants) in the Ie Meulee village area, there are around 139 people," said Sukajaya Syahrial sub-district head as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 2.

The Rohingya immigrants landed on the coast of Sabang around Saturday (2/12) in the morning at around 02.30 WIB using a wooden boat.

The arrival of the refugees received rejection from local residents, and asked related parties to immediately deal with or move them from there.

"We strongly statement that, as residents of Ie Meulee did not accept, strongly refused the arrival of Rohingya refugees," said Gampong Ie Meulee Acting Head of Keuchik, Doffa Fadhli.

Doffa conveyed that humanityally it provided basic necessities to the refugees, and the rest could be followed up by the authorities.

He asked the parties who handled them to immediately evacuate all the Rohingya refugees.

In fact, the community has given a deadline until this afternoon, if there is no movement, then the residents of Gampong Ie Meulee will return the Rohingya refugees to the ship.

"This is a statement we made at the request of our citizens. So we can only help humanity with a deadline until this afternoon," said Doffa Fadhli.

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