JAKARTA - The pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2 Prabowo Subianto-GibranRakabuming Raka is committed to helping millennials and the lower middle class to get cheap houses if they win the 2024 presidential election.

"The house is a basic need. People can live in peace and can move forward, educating their children," said the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) Expert Council, Paulus Totok Lusida, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, December 2.

According to Paulus, this commitment was prioritized by Prabowo-Gibran because they saw the high gap between the number of houses being built and what the residents needed.

Based on data compiled by TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Paulus said the gap reached around 12.7 million.

Therefore, Prabowo-Gibran promised to build 500 thousand landed houses and 500 thousand vertical houses (flats) in urban and rural areas.

"In addition to urban areas, Prabowo-Gibran plans to renovate houses in rural areas that are targeted to reach 2 million homes in the second year in office," said Paulus.

The house is confirmed at affordable prices because the public will receive subsidies from the government. One of the subsidies offered is not to charge the cost of building a elevator for the purchase of flats.

"Then, the development is the most expensive at the cost of the government and it is borne by the government, so that the community does not bear the construction of maintenance and operational equipment," he added.

Furthermore, Prabowo-Gibran also promised that the public would be able to rent the subsidized house with a monthly payment scheme.

Paulus admitted that he had proposed to Prabowo to appoint a special minister to handle housing so that the work program could reach people in need.

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