JAKARTA - The Department of Manpower, Transmigration and Energy of DKI Jakarta Province has asked all companies or agencies, both public and private, to provide a thermal gun at the entrance to monitor temperature. This effort to check body temperature serves to be aware of the symptoms of the COVID-19 virus that has entered Indonesia.
Currently there are 9 patients isolated at the Sulianti Saroso Infectious Diseases Hospital (RSPI), with details of 2 people positive for the corona virus and 7 others are still under surveillance.
Head of DKI Jakarta Disnakertrans and Energy Andri Yansyah stated that if workers are found experiencing symptoms of corona from checking their body temperature, they must immediately seek treatment at the nearest health facility. These symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath and have just returned from an infected country within 14 days before getting sick.
"First, don't panic. Then, provide education to use masks, limit contact with other people, and immediately seek treatment at the nearest health facility," said Andri in his statement, Wednesday, March 4.

Checking body temperature at the DKI Jakarta Manpower and Transmigration Office (Photo: Public Relations of DKI Pemprov)
Then, Andri asked employees who experienced these symptoms to inform doctors and health workers about the travel history. In addition, immediately report to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office to the telephone number 0813-8837-6955.
In addition, Andri asked all company management to provide socialization about symptoms, signs, and ways to prevent transmission of infection due to COVID-19 to employees in the form of direct counseling or in printed media.
"We hope that companies or agencies in Jakarta can take precautionary measures for this COVID-19. Detection, prevention, response and anticipation of the emergence of COVID-19 in companies and agencies are needed," he said.
As of today, employees and visitors at the DKI Jakarta City Hall have their body temperature checked. This action is to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Check the body temperature using a thermal gun in front of City Hall. Check locations are at the building entrances at City Hall.
Internal security officers (Pamdal) accompanied by health officers check everyone who will enter, whether visitors or city hall employees. Officers use masks and gloves when checking body temperature.
"For the employees and guests of City Hall in Blok G and Balai Agung because of the limited thermometer, so those with blood pressure (body temperature) of 38 degrees or above are not allowed to enter first," said Head of DKI General Bureau Budi Awaluddin.

In addition, there is also a notice board in the area to check body temperature. For body temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius, it is prohibited to enter the building at City Hall. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also provides a doctor on duty.
"There is a doctor, we cooperate with the employee health service center, the doctor will check it, if it is 38 (degrees) it means they have a fever, well then they will be checked again with the doctor for fever," he said.
The same procedure has been carried out at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta since Tuesday, March 3. This rule also applies to the ministers of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media, Presidential Secretariat, Bey Machmudin said that the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, the Paspampres Commander, and the Military Secretary decided that starting on Tuesday (3/3) prevention of the spread of the new Coronavirus in the Palace environment was carried out by using a temperature gauge. body.
"So starting today. Previously it had been given but only as an appeal, but now we physically measure every guest who will come to the palace. After that, if at 37.5 (degrees Celsius) they are asked to return, so there is no need to enter the Palace, "said Bey.
Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media, the Presidential Secretariat conveyed that the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, the Paspampres Commander, and the Military Secretary decided that starting Tuesday (3/3) the Corona Virus prevention was carried out in the Palace by measuring body temperature. Https: //t.co/ iKShZzaVdW pic.twitter.com/QNbulIuObB
- Cabinet Secretariat (@setkabgoid) March 3, 2020
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